Tribute to Dennis Klass on his 80th Birthday

How Dennis changed my life and … other lives

In the late 1980s, I realized there was something wrong with mourning theories; I understood what made no sense to me but I didn’t find an alternative view. I had focused what I was looking for: an idea of ​​the mourning process consistent with the foundations of attachment theory and the humanistic-existential perspective.

Finally in 1996 I came across “Continuing Bonds. New understanding of grief” and just from the title (and I know we have to thank Dennis’s wife for it) I realized that I had finally found what I was looking for!
Having found my direction, step by step we come to 2013, the year in which with a group of colleagues (4 ‘wise’ and 8 young people) I founded the association “Grief and Growth” and after the first conference that we organized in 2016 on complicated grief, in 2018 I felt ready to go to the heart of the approach we are developing: we organize a conference at the Salesian Pontifical University in Rome entitled “The Continuing Bond” and I invite none other than Dennis Klass, with little hope that the invitation  can be accepted …. and instead ….

Here we are!!!!